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Medical End Markets 

FDA Approval

mLife is currently undergoing clinical testing to finalize its FDA application.  It is the full intent of the company to offer a FDA approved device in the near future. 


Primary Care Physicians

The PCP typically sees a wide range of patients and patient types, particularly those in Internal Medicine or health care providers seeing patients with pain management issues.  A protocol driven drug test plan is typical in a PCP setting for new patients, patients prescribed a Scheduled Drug, and for refills to those prescriptions.  The mLife solves a problem for PCP because it allows the porous and risky urine drug test platform to be discarded in favor of a saliva drug test that provides BOTH a qualitative initial drug screen AND a qualitative confirmation of that result in a certified lab with credentialed professional healthcare professionals.     



Health Institutions

Institutions like mental health facilities welcome the mLife as traditional saliva drug tests have lacked the split sample design that is a mandatory component of a drug test protocol.  Unlike whole blood, there is no pain or invasive procedure with high healthcare costs added on.  Urine is invasive and has proven to be easily adulterated skewing the results and the integrity of the testing.  The mLife is the answer healthcare providers have long awaited.

mLife DX oral saliva drug test
mLife Advantage

Custom Test Panels

Protocol Driven Drug Testing

First, Do No Harm


Protecting the patients using a protocol driven drug test program is imperative.  Patient Safety is in the hands of the healthcare providers so providing a non-invasive, pain free test using a tamper proof and hygienic system is a responsibility that care takers can’t leave to chance.  The current urine drug testing model of frequently reported adulterating can place the patient in a harmful position and put at risk both the practice and the healthcare providers.

mLife - The Right Answers at the Right T

(833) MLIFE-DX

(833) 654-3339


511 N. Washington Avenue

Marshall, Texas 75670

Offering medical devices that alleviate the invasive nature of traditional testing. 

© 2019 mLife Diagnostics

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