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Law Enforcement
Roadside Testing
Law enforcement has long been saddled with the responsibility of protecting the public from those driving under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol. Today, there is a new threat to public safety as medical marijuana and cannabis (THC) for recreational use is being rapidly legalized in state after state while prescription drugs (Rx) are being abused and diverted. The result…law enforcement has had to respond with specially trained Drug Recognition Experts (DRE) to combat the rising number of drivers who are Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID) and causing an increase in fatalities. Until the development of the mLife device, law enforcement has not had a reliable tool for roadside testing with capabilities that were efficacious and viable with scientific laboratory results. Blood has been attempted but it is NOT a roadside solution and urine drug testing is simply not a viable option. As Philip Sobolesky, PhD stated inTesting for Cannabis in Oral Fluid: The State of the Art (May 1, 2018) in CLINICAL LABORATORY NEWS, “…the average time for DUI suspects to have their blood drawn after a traffic stop is about 1 ½ hours.” His article goes on to state, “But cannabis in whole blood can decrease by as much as 90% in 90-minutes” (Li G, Bradya J, Chen Q.) Drug use and fatal motor vehicle crashes: A case-control study ACCID ANAL PREV 2013 (60: 205-10.) Blood is simply not a reliable roadside tool.

Corrections departments and institutions test those in custody using urine (established as having a poor detection window and is easily adulterated) and blood which requires a trained and licensed phlebotomist which is an expense, is risky, and invasive. Because oral drug testing results are closely compared to the results that a blood draw can reveal, it has been an inexpensive alternate. However, until the mLife Device, a split sample option with a Confirmation lab analysis component simply was not available in the market. The mLife is a “game changer” for inmates who are tested because of the porous controls at prisons that have resulted in a lucrative smuggling of drugs into the jails and prison systems. Inmates on work release programs are drug tested routinely because of their unmonitored time outside of the correction’s facility. In work release programs where urine drug testing is performed, a work release inmate could easily manipulate a routine and take Amphetamines, Methamphetamines, or Cocaine an hour or so before returning and could pass the urine drug test due to urine’s poor detection window. The mLife could not be manipulated like the urine drug test and the work release inmate would show a positive presumptive screen result in as little as 5-minutes after taking the drug. The mLife provides BOTH a presumptive screen in minutes AND a secure and reliable lab confirmation due to its innovative and unique split sample collection paradigm. The nightmares of specimen handling and adulteration concerns as well as the expenses of managing urine collectors and phlebotomy for probation officers and administrators disappear with the creation of the mLife device.
“I don’t have a magical drug test that I can give you right now.”
T.T Carroll, Cobb County (DRE) Officer
The Drug Whisperer
This 7:43 news clip is a “MUST SEE” for any and all law enforcement agents. As you watch this video, keep in mind the lives impacted, the tax payer dollars spent, and the lawsuits (with the PR damage) that could prevented had the “magical drug test” that we call mLife been available for fired and disgraced Cobb County Police Officer T.T. Carroll at that time.
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